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The Fit Breakthrough is on a mission to educate women on the power of eating to fuel, allowing them to look and feel their best. This is done through using an evidence-based approach to serve each client on a 1:1 level, because we understand that no two journeys are the same.

Our goal is to make it so you no longer need a coach down the road because you understand the WHY not just the HOW. We will be the last coaches you ever hire. Education and accountability are our top pillars to ensure that you feel well equipped to continue your fitness journey for months and years to come.

What 1:1 coaching did for women
Just like you

Aislin’s Journey
At the beginning of this program Aislin was no stranger to macro tracking or weight lifting. She was also eating a solid 2000 calories per day.
However, being a naturally lean individual as well as a nurse who is on her feet 12+ hours a shift, she needed more food to grow!
We spent a lot of our time together eating around 2400-2500 calories, but the majority of the focus was on her training, performance, and recovery since that was really the piece that would contribute to her growth as an athlete.
After a while of eating, tracking, learning what’s in food, and trusting herself to eat MORE - she decided to transition to intuitive eating. No one should have to track forever, and not tracking doesn’t automatically mean you stop making progress.
​She’s been able to still make significant growth since the new year while tracking not as often because she spent time understanding what her body needs. She still tracks some days to check if she’s where she needs to be intake wise (girl’s gotta eat!) but it’s been amazing to see her mindset shift around food. I can see it in the way she speaks about herself and this journey in her check ins.
We’ve been focusing on habits, setting goals, correcting form videos, sticking to structured training, and the recomp isn’t stopping!!!
Amazing work.

Jackie's Journey
When Jackie first joined the program, she was eating around 1300 calories and stuck not knowing what to eat or how to move her body in ways she found enjoyable. She had been down the road with trying to restrict and only eat “healthy” foods, which left her feeling resentment toward her inability to meet her unrealistic expectations, and guilty when she fell short.
We shifted her mindset from a mindset of restriction to a mindset of abundance: MORE food, MORE movement, MORE variety.
She now is enjoying over 2000 calories per day, moving in ways she loves (which for her is dancing), hitting PRs in the gym, enjoying date night, and seeing progress.
It’s been 9 months and we are still working with Jackie, so even though it isn’t a final comparison shot, it’s still worth showing off because the hard work and changes are undeniable. Great work Jackie!

Jessica’s Journey
Jessica came into the program last summer with the goal to look “toned” for her wedding in June. So we set out on a goal to first enter a growing phase followed by a deficit. It’s sometimes difficult to convince a client that the right thing to do is add MORE food to their day when they have an event coming up, but Jess was all in.
At the beginning of her reverse diet she was maintaining her weight around 1750 calories per day.
Along her growing phase she gained strength, confidence, she improved her relationship with food, and a lot of other biofeedback markers improved as well. We got her up to 2300 calories per day!
Phase 2 was her cut. Since she had done the work FIRST with increasing her intake, raising her metabolic rate, and building muscle on her frame - her body was now responsive to a deficit. We took things slow and made sure she still enjoyed life along the way.
The final phase, which we are now in, is to reverse up her intake and out of a deficit - because the last thing you want after a cut is to gain the weight back and then some. So far she has maintained her weight, added in more food, and will be able to enjoy a higher maintenance level going into her wedding and honeymoon!
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to play the long game when it comes to your fitness journey. Jessica you’re a freaking star and we love having you on the team!
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